The Almaya Fellowship was formed in our church in 1997. The aims and objectives of Almaya Fellowship is equipping the laity members of our church to involve in the spiritual activities meaningfully, and to establish a social development awareness among the people in the community. The Fellowship also helps the church to function on sound Christian principles and for the mental and spiritual welfare of the church members. We do elect a committee every calendar year that consists of Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and five committee members. The Vicar will serve as the President of this organization. We do conduct Bible studies, Annual Retreat, Trips, Bible Quiz competitions and Anniversary celebrations. We observe the first Sunday in August as Almaya Sunday and members take active part in the worship service on that day. Our members also present various programs during the Church Family Retreat and Parish Day celebrations. Almaya Fellowship members take a lead role in conducting our Harvest Festival.

Position/Role Name of Person
President Rev. Gibin Thampy
Vice President Mr. Jeswin Samuel
Secretary Mr. Thomas J. Paickattu
Joint-Secretary Dr. John P. Thomas
Treasurer Mr. George David
Committee Members:
Mr. Alexander Chandy
Mrs. Annie Joseph
Mrs. Rosie Thomas
Mrs. Mary Zachariah